Year : 2021
Client : Home Real Estate

Project Overview หรือ Home Real Estate Services เป็นบริการด้านนายหน้าเกี่ยวการขายบ้าน ที่ดิน หรืออสังหาริมทรัพย์ โดย nConnect ได้เข้ามาดูแลในส่วนของการ ออกแบบเว็บไซต์ และพัฒนาเว็บไซต์ ให้กับ

Project Description : Home Real Estate

Project Brief

: Home Real Estate Services has commissioned nConnect to design and develop a comprehensive online platform that serves as a digital nexus for their real estate brokerage business. The website’s purpose is to showcase properties for sale, including houses and land, facilitate customer inquiries, and provide valuable information on real estate services.



  • To create a professional and modern web presence for Home Real Estate.
  • To enable easy property listing and search for users.
  • To generate leads through SEO and user-friendly design.

This project aims to leverage nConnect’s expertise in digital marketing and web development to create a real estate website that stands out in Thailand’s competitive market. The result will be a user-centric, high-performing, and SEO-optimized platform that not only showcases Home Real Estate’s offerings but also serves as a resource for buyers and sellers in the property market.


Home Real Estate

Work Processes

1. Discovery and Requirements Gathering:

  • Conduct meetings with Home Real Estate stakeholders to understand their vision, requirements, and objectives.
  • Analyze the target audience, market trends, and competitor websites.

2. Project Planning:

  • Outline the scope of work, milestones, and deadlines.
  • Finalize the sitemap, feature list, and content strategy.
  • Develop a SEO strategy tailored for the real estate market in Thailand.

3. Design Phase:

  • Create wireframes for the core pages to lay out the structure and features of the website.
  • Develop a UI/UX design that reflects Home Real Estate’s brand, focusing on ease of use and aesthetic appeal.
  • Present mock-ups and iterate based on feedback.

4. Development Phase:

  • Set up the website framework, CMS, and server environment.
  • Code the front-end and back-end functionalities while ensuring mobile responsiveness and cross-browser compatibility.
  • Implement the property listing system with advanced search and filtering capabilities.

5. Content Integration:

  • Populate the website with engaging and optimized content in Thai, including property descriptions, images, and videos.
  • Incorporate testimonials, blog posts, and real estate advice to add value for visitors.

6. Quality Assurance and Testing:

  • Conduct thorough testing for usability, performance, and security.
  • Validate the SEO implementation and optimize for the best performance in search rankings.

7. Launch and Monitoring:

  • Deploy the website to the live server and monitor the launch to ensure a smooth transition.
  • Establish analytics to track user behavior, engagement, and conversion metrics.

8. Post-Launch Services:

  • Provide maintenance and regular updates to the website.
  • Continuously optimize the website based on user feedback and analytics data.


Service Types and Technology of Home Real Estate

Business Type Home Real Estate

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