Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy of nConnect
(nConnect Dotasia)

We have a privacy policy for everyone on our website, including customers and users. This policy is designed to be helpful and informative.

1. For the purposes of this nConnect Website Privacy Policy, we would like to clearly inform you of what information we collect from you. How we use and share your information This privacy policy describes – Information Collected and Reasons Collected – Use of Information Collected The Company will use the information it collects from all of the Company’s nConnect websites. To provide service, maintenance, protection, improvement, development of new services and protect the company and you as well as to offer content that has been customized (Customized) to suit your particular usage, such as displaying search results that are relevant to you display advertisements for services that may be of interest to you when you contact us;

The nConnect website may also record the e-mail address that you provide to receive various suggestions in order to improve and develop the Company’s services. and affiliated companies and notify you through the address you provided

บริษัทอาจใช้ข้อมูลที่รวบรวมได้จากคุกกี้และเทคโนโลยีอื่นๆ เช่น การใช้ Tag เป็นต้น ในการปรับปรุงประสบการณ์การใช้งานของท่าน และคุณภาพโดยรวมของเว็บไซต์ nConnectข้อมูลที่แบ่งปันบริษัทจะไม่นำข้อมูลของท่านไปแบ่งปันหรือเปิดเผยให้กับบริษัท และ/หรือองค์กรอื่น และ/หรือบุคคลภายนอก ยกเว้นกรณี ดังต่อไปนี้

with your consent The Company may share or disclose your personal information with the Company. and/or other organizations and/or third parties With your consent to share or disclose your sensitive personal information first – for the “use of collected information”, the Company may share or disclose your personal information with affiliates. group company as well as contract parties who are responsible for managing the nConnect website under a direct contract with the Company. or other companies with reliable privacy policies. To provide service, maintenance, protection, improvement, development of new services and protect the company and you as well as to offer content that has been customized (Customized) to suit your particular usage, such as displaying search results that are relevant to you display advertisements for services that may be of interest to you; This is done in accordance with the instructions and in accordance with the privacy policy of the company. including appropriate confidentiality and security measures

สำหรับเหตุผลทางกฎหมาย บริษัทอาจแบ่งปันหรือเปิดเผยข้อมูลของท่านกับบริษัท และ/หรือองค์กรอื่น และ/หรือบุคคลภายนอก หากบริษัทเชื่อโดยสุจริตว่าการเข้าถึง การใช้ การเก็บรักษา หรือการเปิดเผยข้อมูลนั้น มีเหตุจำป็นอันสมควร (1) เพื่อการปฏิบัติตามกฎหมาย ระเบียบข้อบังคับ หลักเกณฑ์ คำสั่งที่เกี่ยวข้องและการร้องขอข้อมูลจากทางราชการ (2) เพื่อบังคับใช้ข้อกำหนดในการให้บริการที่เกี่ยวข้อง รวมถึงการตรวจสอบการละเมิดที่อาจเกิดขึ้น (3) เพื่อตรวจจับ ป้องกัน หรือตรวจสอบการทุจริต ปัญหาด้านความปลอดภัยหรือด้านเทคนิค (4) เพื่อป้องกันอันตรายต่อสิทธิ ทรัพย์สิน หรือความปลอดภัยของบริษัทและ/หรือของท่าน หรือบุคคลอื่นตามที่กฎหมายกำหนด

The Company may share non-personally identifiable information about users of the nConnect Website, such as search results, mobile networks used, language used, frequently visited websites, etc., publicly or with our commercial partners such as publishers, third parties, and other third parties. Post advertisements or linked websites. For example, the Company may share information showing trends in the use of the nConnect website to the public, for example, if the Company undergoes a change in management structure such as a merger, acquisition or asset sale. The Company will continue to maintain any personal information. keep secret and notify affected nConnect website users prior to any transfer of personal data. or providing that personal information is subject to other privacy policies

2. Information Security nConnect We have installed a website system using SSL (Secure Socket Layer) or simply called. Website type Https: prefix, which will result in data security. For pages such as login Subscription, payment that is secure in terms of information, which nConnect will refuse to collect information of this type credit card on the website which must be filled in every time when making a payment Including the highest security in the form of OTP (One Time Password) that when choosing to pay via credit card, the system will send an OTP to confirm the identity of the user.
3. Limitations on use of the Privacy Policy This Privacy Policy This applies only to this nConnect website, excluding the nConnect website and/or services that have a separate and/or not expressly defined privacy policy in conjunction with this privacy policy. It does not apply to the nConnect Site and any other services or sites linked to this nConnect Site, nor to the privacy practices of other companies. or other organizations that advertise our nConnect websites, which may use cookies, pixel tags, and other technologies To present and display relevant advertisements
4. Legal Compliance and Cooperation with Regulatory Authorities The Company conducts audits and reviews of compliance with the Privacy Policy. and compliance with relevant laws within the organization on a regular basis (Self-Regulator) If the company receives a letter of complaint about the use of personal information The company will follow up. as well as cooperate with government agencies that have the power to regulate the provision of the nConnect website and various consumer protection agencies.
5. Changes to Privacy Policy The Company reserves the right to amend this Privacy Policy at any time. without your prior consent Unless it is a change that deprives you of your rights under this Privacy Policy. The Company will not be able to do so without your prior consent.
6. Accessing and updating personal information The Company strongly hopes that By using the nConnect website, you have access to your personal information. If such information is inaccurate or inaccurate The company will endeavor to provide methods and/or a way for you to update and/or delete your personal information appropriately, except where it is necessary for the Company to store your personal information. for business benefits and/or for compliance with applicable laws. when you update your personal information The Company may request you to verify your identity before the Company can process your request. The Company reserves the right to refuse requesting updates and access to your personal information. In the following cases: (1) making requests that are complex and excessive in number; (2) processing requests may cause the Company to provide and/or develop technology from the Company’s existing resources beyond reasonable grounds; (3) the processing of the request may affect the personal data of other nConnect website users; or (4) the processing of the request is not practical, such as with browsing personal information in the backup system The Company aims to operate the Company’s nConnect website in a safe and secure manner. and can prevent accidental or malicious destruction of data. The Company may not yet remove existing copies of personal data from active servers. or immediately remove the data from the company’s back-up system

nConnect Dotasia Co.,ltd.

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